Use pyhomogenize as a command-line interface

All available operators. Arguments in brackets are optional.

mergeMerge given input files

usage: pyhomogenize merge -i ifile1 [ifile2 [ifileN]] -o ofile

showvarPrint variable names.

usage: pyhomogenize showvar -i ifile1 [ifile2 [ifileN]]

seltimerangeSelect user-given time range.

usage: pyhomogenize seltimerange,<timestamp1>,<timestamp2> -i ifile1 [ifile2 [ifileN]] -o ofile timeformat: %y%m%d[T:%H:%M:%S]

showtimestampsShow available timestamps.

usage: pyhomogenize showtimestamps -i ifile1 [ifile2 [ifileN]]

showdupsPrint duplicated timestamps.

usage: pyhomogenize showdups -i ifile1 [ifile2 [ifileN]]

showmissPrint missing timestamps.

usage: pyhomogenize showmiss ifile1 [ifile2 [ifileN]]

showredsPrint redundant timestamps.

usage: netcdf_time_control showreds ifile1 [ifile2 [ifileN]]

timecheckBy default, delete duplicated and redundant time stamps from input files and write duplicated, redundant and missing timestamps to netcdf variable attributes. The selection is changeable.

usage: pyhomogenize timecheck[,duplicates,redundants,missings] -i ifile1 [ifile2 [ifileN]] -o ofilen’